
Infrastruktur & Herstellung

Der Bereich Infrastruktur umfasst eine Bandbreite verschiedenartig gelagerter Themen, was auch durch unsere unterschiedlichen Mandanten in diesem Bereich reflektiert wird, von denen einige als Konglomerate fungieren und auch ausserhalb des Bereichs der Infrastruktur tätig sind.

Rechtsanwalt Thailand Infrastruktur & Herstellung

Infrastruktur & Herstellung

Unsere umfassenden Erfahrungen in diesem Segment erlauben es RESPONDEK & FAN, mit flexible Lösungen auf die rechtlichen Fragestellungen unserer Mandanten zu reagieren, um adäquate Lösungsansätze für unterschiedlichste Rechtsfragen gemeinsam zu erarbeiten.
Unsere Dienstleitungen in diesem Bereich erfolgten u.a. in folgenden Bereichen:

  • Restrukturierung und Reorganisation
  • Rechtliche Neuausrichtung von Distributionskanälen
  • Szenarien für den Markteintritt
  • Rechtliche Absicherung verschiedener Wachstumsinitiativen
  • Bearbeitung und Antragstelung verschiedener bevorzugter Investitionsschemata (EDB; BOI)
  • Erstellung und Verhandlung verschiedenster Verträge
  • Rechtsberatung bei allen Fragen der täglichen Geschäftsabläufe

(1) Machinery
European, and particularly German, companies are traditionally strong in this sector and we have the pleasure of advising a number of them with regard to their business activities in Asia. Amongst other tasks, we have:

  • Provided regular legal advice to a German conglomerate that is active in the sectors of mechanical engineering, energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport as well as automotive
  • Assisted a German manufacturer of process instrumentation (world market leader in certain segments) – its product portfolio includes sensors for measurement of level, point level, pressure as well as equipment and software for integration into process control systems
  • Helped a leading European carbon technology company to restructure its entire operations in Thailand, including a re-organization of the company’s Board of Directors and management and specific Human Resources-related issues
  • Been asked to assist a leading European company that focuses on high-pressure cleaners, floor care equipment, parts cleaning systems, wash water treatment and military decontamination equipment to provide legal advice to their regional headquarter based in Singapore on a regular basis

(2) Industrial Plant engineering
RESPONDEK & FAN advises a broad range of companies, including industrial laundry equipment manufacturers, insulation companies as well as fire protection companies. As part of our experience, we have:

  • Advised one of the leading industrial laundry plant manufacturers and leader in washing technology with regard to their daily need for legal assistance – we accompanied their business from a small Representative Office that has now been transformed into their Asian regional headquarter and is on a continuous growth pass
  • Supported an insulation company through various growth stages with regard to their business expansion until their divestiture to an international conglomerate
  • Assisted another long-time client who is engaged in fire protection technology, with a broad variety of contractual and other legal issues
  • Guided several companies in various Asian countries with regard to the planning and construction of manufacturing facilities in China, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand including green field projects as well as renovations and refurbishings of existing plants

(3) Manufacturing

  • We assisted a process oriented consulting company to acquire a company in Thailand and restructure it thereafter.